Price Transfer for Inter-company Transaction
Automate price calculations for intercompany transactions in SAP Business ByDesign

Now inter-company transactions such as sales and purchases between companies are becoming more frequent. We often meet those business scenarios where internal company transaction prices need to be processed and maintained.
In the transaction between subsidiaries of the group, if the transaction price is determined according to the standard function of SAP Business ByDesign, internal sales and purchase price lists need to be maintained frequently, which is a heavy workload and easy to make mistakes.
And business scenarios where internal prices change frequently are not well supported by the standard system; neither are those where internal prices need to be based on a certain coefficient ratio of the sales price to customers.
Price Transfer for Inter-company Transaction is an effective complement to the business scenarios of standard inter-company transaction and third-party delivery, enabling the system to automatically calculate internal transaction prices according to the defined coefficient and fill it in the corresponding transaction documents.
When conducting inter-company transactions, the business department applies a transaction price that is equal to the sales company's price to customers (pre-tax) multiplied by the price coefficient.
- Extend and enrich the application scenarios of standard internal transactions
- Greatly reduces the workload of sales and purchasing in maintaining internal transaction prices
- More flexibility in maintaining internal transaction price by coefficients that can be predefined for different customers and different internal companies
- Effectively solve the issue of profit distribution between different internal companies
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