Competencias SAP






Desde su creación en 1997 IPS Co., Ltd. se ha especializado en la introducción y mantenimiento de SAP ERP. La empresa ha implementado SAP ERP para más de 150 clientes, incluido el despliegue o la implementación de proyectos implementados en más de 15 países. Han sido seleccionados como socios representativos de SAP en Japón por muchos clientes, incluidos SAP JAPAN Co., Ltd. y empresas asociadas.


Since its establishment in 1997 IPS Co.,Ltd. has specialized in introduction and maintenance of SAP ERP. The comany has deployed SAP ERP for over 150 customers, including roll out or roll in projects deployed in more than 15 countries. They have been selected as a representative SAP partner in Japan by many customers, including SAP JAPAN Co., Ltd. and partner companies.

IPS Co.,Ltd. has also been involved in one the most successful collaborations of the United VARs members, that helped Edmund Optics a leading producer of optics, to launch SAP in 10 locations and in 7 countries around the globe. Do you want to learn more about the project and the results?

Read Edmund Optics's Success Story

IPS's goal is not only to build systems but also to successfully expand customer's business and business improvement. The company offers 3 parts :  first, "products" ,second "service implementation" and third  "service maintenance".

The company has assured that its template "EasyOne" is innovative. IPS actively keeps up with fresh trends and new SAP technology including S/4HANA support. It continues to support customers' business worldwide both in the future and in the future. Learn more about the solutions provided by IPS.

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