
Bizbrain Technologies


United States


借助 Bizbrain Technologies,为您的供应链计划和协作解决方案体验无与伦比的全方位服务生命周期。 Bizbrain 由前 SAP 产品专家于 2013 年创立,一直是 SAP IBP 实施的先驱,并继续以其一流的团队专注的专业知识和完美的交付记录表现出色。通过与 Bizbrain 合作,客户将能够以可承受的成本建立竞争优势。


Experience an unparallel full-service lifecycle for your Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration solution, with Bizbrain Technologies. Founded in 2013 by former SAP Product experts, Bizbrain has been a pioneer in SAP IBP implementations and continues to excel in its focused expertise and flawless delivery record by its top-notch team. On partnering with Bizbrain, customers will be able to build a competitive edge at an affordable cost

Bizbrain is an SAP Silver Partner.

What we do different:

  • Translate complex problems into manageable solutions
  • Bizbrain is your risk mitigation plan while transforming your business
  • Develop your competitive advantage in the era of cloud commoditization
  • Ensure sustainability of the planning process by building a business users community
  • Build a solid business process that leverages any type of data and backend