SAP 能力
SAP Analytics Cloud,
SAP Business by Design,
SAP HCM & SuccessFactors


BSG Partners Co., Ltd.




BSG 与企业软件应用程序和云基础设施的市场领导者——SAP 和 AWS(亚马逊网络服务)合作,为云和内部部署提供从 A 到 Z 的广泛的最新 IT 服务和技术。


BSG provides a broad range of the latest IT services and technology from A to Z both for Cloud and On-Premise, in partnership with market leaders of enterprise software applications and cloud infrastructures - SAP and AWS(Amazon Web Services).

BSG is the best when it comes to SAP solution and AWS cloud technology and given its experience , the company is most suited to offer a real ‘One-stop Service’ to its customers – from establishing IT strategy to conducting diagnostics/design of business process, building and managing information systems. On top of its own in-house developed solutions, BSG has an array of portfolios that covers the full spectrum of the IT services/solution sector. 

In present globalized market, technology evolution and IT trends for corporations tend to develop and change very fast and it is often hard to keep up with all the latest, newest developments taking place in the market. BSG stays fully alert and aware of the sweeping development in the IT sector by keeping its finger on the pulse of the global market and knows how to bring those new technologies internally and evolve with them so that it can become the most reliable and trusted partner that brings about ultimate business success and innovation for the customers.

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