Компетенции SAP
SAP Business One


OSC Smart Integration





OSC Smart Integration предоставляет бизнес-решения для компаний среднего размера. Структуры и процессы на малых и средних предприятиях не проще, а иногда даже сложнее, чем на крупных предприятиях. Совсем иначе обстоит дело с рабочей силой.


OSC Smart Integration delivers business solutions for mid-market companies. Structures and processes in small and medium-sized enterprises are not simpler but sometimes even more complex than in large enterprises. The situation is quite different looking at the workforce. When medium-sized enterprises have their own IT department or a computer specialist, the resources are limited in smaller companies. In addition to that, the limitation of budgets for IT investments almost prevent flexibility. Nevertheless, major reasons such as ongoing growth or economical changes should not make companies invest into new ERP solutions or adapt them continuously. The company-specific reasons such as steady growth or changing economic conditions should not be the reasons to invest in new ERP software solutions, or to adapt them repeatedly.

To be competitive regardless any human and economic conditions small and medium enterprises require a technological base that is supporting their business processes in long-term, are ready and comfortable to use. OSC SI with locations in Lübeck, Hamburg and Hanover offers an integrated software solution that is specifically tailored to those needs in the mid-market: SAP Business One. Read more about the solution offered. 

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