Real-time dashboards and centralised control equip Soilmec Singapore for success with SAP Business One®

Soilmec Singapore Pte. 于 2014 年在新加坡成立。 Ltd. 是一家在东南亚销售和租赁基础设备和备件的公司。该公司还充当远东/太平洋地区的备件中心以及新加坡和东南亚的服务和维修中心。
- 在一段强劲的增长时期,他们现有的企业资源计划 (ERP) 系统无法有效地支持对系统不断增长的需求
- 无法扩展和适应日益复杂的环境,平台无法有效处理日益增多的日常金融交易和运营
- 需要一个可扩展的解决方案来高效运行并减少冗余流程
- 缺乏强大的库存管理系统使得管理越来越多的设备和备件的销售、租赁、服务和维修变得困难
- 内置库存模块支持实时库存更新以及检查可用性、管理仓库数据、优化库存位置以及跟踪和记录库存变动的能力
- 直观的报告通过不同的数量、现金和客户折扣来预测影响程度
- 实时财务数据和洞察力使团队能够准确地管理现金流和跟踪预算
- 通过对销售交易的整个流程(从销售订单到发票)的可见性实现更好的跨部门集成,使财务团队能够更快地执行财务交易
- SAP Business One 提供端到端的业务管理解决方案,涵盖财务、库存、库存控制、销售、报告和预测,且在预算范围内
- Soilmec Singapore选择了 SAP白金合作伙伴和United VARs 成员Axxis Consulting ,因为他们使用 SAP Business One 简化和转型 100 多家企业的良好记录
Customer data

Industrial Machinery and Components
Soilmec is an international leader in the design, manufacturing, and distribution of equipment for the ground engineering industry. Established in Italy in 1969, Soilmec has always developed safe, innovative, cutting-edge technologies, providing the construction industry with a wide variety of equipment solutions. Soilmec equipment is used every day on job sites all around the world for bridges, viaducts, motorways, tunnels, underground lines, railways and buildings of all types. Soilmec is involved in a wide range of projects around the world from building highways in Manila to expanding the Panama Canal. Established in Singapore in 2013, Soilmec Singapore Pte. Ltd. has replaced the renowned Soilmec Far East for the sales/rental of foundation equipment and spare parts throughout Asia since 2015. The company also acts as a spare parts hub for the FarEast/Pacific area and as a service/repair centre for Singapore and South-East Asia.