Implementation Year
SAP Analytics Cloud

CAT112 | AI

Project Description

Thanks to the prediction and sizing system, CAT112 manages to optimize human resources in its centers.


The 112 Catalonia Emergency Call Attention and Management Center (CAT112) is a public entity managed by the Generalitat of Catalonia. All urgent calls are centralized there so that citizens can request public services in the event of a threat or emergency situation.

After contacting other emergency services, they detected the need to find an exclusive tool tailored to the needs and challenges of their business.


They had a sizing system based on Excel and VBA macros, which had clear performance and scalability limitations. Call modeling and prediction had a strong manual component .

They decided to develop a tailored web solution to respond to the call sizing and forecasting needs in order to optimally plan CAT112 services, integrating simulation functionalities with service traffic formulations and exploitation of predictive models that learn automatically. .

Customer Benefits
  • From a single centralized point, users can carry out the sizing process from start to finish, in near real time, and make adjustments and modifications based on their experience, all in a continuous flow.
  • It allows the exchange and export of results concurrently, integrating into the current reporting ecosystem.
  • All of this generates a better allocation of resources in call centers, which translates into better service levels and lower operating costs.

SEIDOR is a technology consultancy that offers a comprehensive portfolio of innovation, customer experience, ERP, analytics, employee experience, cloud, workplace and cybersecurity solutions and services.

With a turnover of 767 million euros in fiscal year 2022 and a staff made up of more than 9,000 highly qualified professionals, SEIDOR has a direct presence in 45 countries in Europe, Latin America, the United States, the Middle East, Africa and Asia. The consulting firm is a partner of the main technological leaders.

Customer Testimony

“From the Data&Analytics unit of SEIDOR we worked from the beginning on this collaboration in order to update the CAT112 service with the most cutting-edge advanced analytics and artificial intelligence technologies. Once the project is implemented, and thanks to the solution developed by SEIDOR, CAT 112 is capable of reducing call response time and continuing to offer the best possible service to citizens.”

Victor Pastor, Lead Data Scientist at SEIDOR

Although the previous system provided solid predictions, it was decided to opt for a scientific approach, thus allowing the patterns detected by future models to be combined and contrasted with the expert knowledge of the human team.

For this, the resource sizing and call prediction system was developed, a tailored solution based on the C++ and R languages, also using specific frameworks such as Shiny, for the development of interactive web applications.

Solutions were also deployed to streamline the training and validation of call predictive models.