ECM-ZONE automates business processes and manages the lifecycle of enterprise content. In doing so, the system captures, stores and indexes documents and makes them more usable. Process automation optimises company-wide workflows, which promotes collaboration and compliance.

ECM-ZONE unites diverse elements of content management within a company in a seamless structure. Data from diverse sources flows in and is fed back just as smoothly. The ultimate goal is to model all business processes in one central system, enabling effortless collaboration across different departments and devices.
In daily business, most of the data that is created is unstructured. This data comes from very different sources and has different formats. Conventional databases and programs are difficult to use for this. However, storing, interpreting and using this data is often necessary (compliance) and useful.
ECM-ZONE revolutionizes digital document management, automates the flow of workflows and business processes, and optimizes information resource management. ECM-ZONE provides you with tools and resources to centralize, direct and optimize your business-critical workflows.
- The user interacts only with one system
- The entire process is guided and supported by the system
- The user receives all necessary data for each step
- Perfect integration of unstructured and structured data
- Easy delegation of process steps (also to external participants)
- Simple authorization management
- Logging of all process steps for documentation
More efficiency:
- A shorter duration of workflows and processes
- A clear assignment of responsibility for individual steps and decisions, such as approvals
- Access to documents by authorized persons from any location and at any time, regardless of where the paper documents are stored
Guaranteed data integrity
- A clear authorization system defines access to documents and data types
- Stored and transmitted digital documents are encrypted
- Compliance-compliant archiving of documents in damage-proof digital form
- Conscientious data is stored in a verifiable and secure manner (financial data, personal data, employee information, medical data,...)
Low cost of ownership
Reduced potential for errors due to the elimination of paper-based processes
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