Implementation Year
SAP HCM & SuccessFactors

Banco Caminos | SAP SuccessFactors

Project Description

Banco Caminos improves the management of its human capital with SAP SuccessFactors


Banco Caminos, with origins in 1977, is part of Grupo Caminos, one of the main Spanish economic-financial groups of specialized banking for groups, mainly Civil Engineers, Canals and Ports (ICCP) as well as for other professional activities and sectors close to these.​

After profound transformations in the management systems, the team and the company culture, 2023 began with a new strategic cycle that will last three years.​

As part of it, they decided to adopt a technological solution that would allow digital management of human capital management processes.​


Banco Caminos had a single software for performance management and spreadsheets for the rest of the tasks and procedures.

They looked for a solution that would improve their hybrid work model, with digital and efficient processes that would allow them to interact with their workforce without interruptions, as well as have updated and secure information and the ability to analyze data.

To do this, they decided to implement the Core HR, Time Off and Performance & Goals modules of SAP SuccessFactors for 360 users.

Customer Benefits

Banco Caminos has managed to improve the experience of managers and employees, after the implementation of SAP SuccessFactors. It has allowed them to digitize and make human capital management processes more efficient, generating a cultural change towards a self-service management model and providing greater autonomy and information to all the parties involved in these processes. ​

They have also improved their ability to obtain analytics, measurements and data from human capital management processes, guaranteeing their security.​


Among all the options considered, Banco Caminos selected SAP SuccessFactors because it was the solution that best adapted to its functional requirements. ​

In addition, it offered the possibility of connecting the human capital solution with other solutions from other departments of the company in future implementations.

Customer Testimony

“In an increasingly digital society, the challenges are to achieve efficient digital processes that allow us to interact with our internal clients and work with real-time, updated and secure information. SAP SuccessFactors has offered us this and much more. We have obtained greater efficiency, information security and process control, in addition to modifying the management of human capital processes towards a self-service management model.

We are very satisfied with SAP and SEIDOR and our intention is to continue building our human capital system with them.”

Natalia Fernández, Corporate Director of People, Communication and SSGG of Banco Caminos